A few weeks ago me and my friends ordered coloured lenses from pinkyparadise.com and we got them just in time to use for KodachiKun (which is a small convention that Mangakai Lund arranges once a year). When I was browsing aroung trying to choose which lenses to buy I searched for reviews of them and there are a lot of them but I can hardly find any that features people with naturally blue, green or grey eyes. So let's fix that! :D
First of all, ordering from pinkyparadise works well, the order arrived in Sweden within two weeks (using the cheaper form of transport) and we got one free super cute lens-case for every pair of ordered lenses. :3
Free stuff always makes me happy.
I normally wear glasses so I ordered the lenses with strength and after some searching around for how to convert the perscription for my glasses I settled for this:
Right: -3.50 ---> -3.00
Left -3.75 ---> 3.25
I heard that lowering by half would be good and since I didn't want them too strong I went for that. The strength is not perfect, it's a bit weak but at least I see well enough to get around. I wouldn't have them for every-day use but for once in a while it works fine though I think I'll increase it by 0.25 for the next pair I buy.
These are my very first pair of lenses ever and it was both harder and easier to use them than I thought. I have quite dry eyes so I was a bit worried and after wearing them for several hours my eyes did become dry but that might just be a case of getting used to it. But it was really nice walking around without glasses, I haven't done that since fourth grade. :)
Anyway, on to the pictures (which is probably the most interesting part for potential buyers of these lenses).

This is what my eyes look like without lenses...
(this picture was taken at the end of the day so my make-up is falling
and I look really tired, please ignore these facts)
...and this is with the lenses.
Looks: 5/5
It's a big difference from my normal colour and since these lenses become a little yellow towards the middle they blend well with my eyes. On this close-up they're more noticeable but from a distance and when the light is not so bright you don't see it as much.
With these lenses it's apparent that they're not real, they don't look natural but they give a great effect and really enlarges and defines your eyes. This would be the only minus about the looks, since they're so unnatural I won't wear them just anywhere but instead wait for a time when unnatural-looking eyes is OK.
Comfort: 4/5
They're OK to wear, they became uncomfortable when my eyes dries up but that might just be me so don't make or break your decision on that. :) Before that it was all good, I felt them but didn't feel any discomfort.
Overall: 5/5
I really am very pleased with them and can't wait for the next time to wear them!
Photos from a distance, thank you Kajsa for taking lovely pictures as always!
Gotta do reviews myself! 8D really interesting read :3
SvaraRaderaLike I've said before, you rock that hairstyle! Redbrown is so your color.
You matched colors so well; the shade of your hair with the intense green of the lenses with the yellow and gold in both makeup and jewelery. Looks great! (Y)
also: love your header! :D
SvaraRaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderalol I just spelled that wrong so I deleted it XD embarassing~~
SvaraRaderabut I was going to say that your new header is so cuuuute X333 love it! and the review is really good :D
You look absolutly gorgeous with them! <3
SvaraRaderaIt was really fun to read about the lenses. And I'm re-thinking to buy now >.< ...
and I just have to agree with Kajsa; the way you match everything, nomnom.
SvaraRaderaThank you <3