Christmas is getting closer and closer and I'm a person who absolutely adores Christmas. The decorations, the lights, the mood and all it means in spending time with you family and friends and just having a cosy time with people you love. If it wasn't for the cold (or if I could stay inside all the time) it would be my favourite time of year!
I mean, who doesn't love this?
Every year when Christmas gets close I just get an urge to stay at home, drink glögg, watch sappy movies and relax, which is quite dangerous when you, like me, have a ton of school-work to do over the holidays. :((
I also get an urge to bake, make sweets and eat stuff with sugar in it. :D
In my family we have long-standing tradition of making gingerbread cookies on the first of advent and I always look forward too it. This year, however, it was moved to the second of advent since my sister had broken her hand and it hurt her do drive. But in the end I got to make gingerbread Christmas trees to my hearts content!
This is all that's left of the ones I brought home, because not only do I love to make them, I love to eat them too. And I'm good at it. XD
We always have a ton of pigs and trees since I only make trees and my sister only makes pigs. Sometimes the pigs migrate and infiltrate the other cookies but I've already eaten all the trees with pigs in them. :)
I've also managed to make saffron buns (yum yum)...
...and for the first time ever I tried to make fudge. It went really well!
Making fudge was really easy and it turned out great! I made banana-chocolate ones and they taste heavenly. They should considering there's nothing but fat and sugar in them. XD
The ones on the top are banana-chocolate and the one on the bottom are banana-white chocolate flavoured. The ones with the white chocolate are really sweet.
I'm really impressed that it's actually fudge-consistency. I thought they were going to become harder and more like toffee but they're creamy and nice. The banana flavour comes from melted marshmallow bananas.
I found the recipe here:
I really recommend it. :3
:Q_____ SO TASTY
SvaraRaderaIt is om nom nom :D
Looks yummy!!! <3 <3
SvaraRaderatraditions like these are the best <3
O__O You're like the master of cooking! YUM 8D